Saint John's Wort ~ Mood Rejuvenate
Saint John's Wort ~ Mood Rejuvenate
A wildcraft from the fields of Glacier Sound in Northwest Montana, Saint John’s Wort shines in rejuvenating and nourishing the nervous system, offering gentle restorative aid for emotional exhaustion. Resembling the radiant sun, this herb boasts vibrant yellow flowers, symbolizing its ability to shed light, illuminating those hidden corners that call for introspection. An ally that flourishes when worked with tonically over a longer period of time.
saint john's wort fresh aerial parts, grain alcohol, water
Suggested Use
Suggested Use
30-60 drops 3x daily
Saint John's wort is a nourishing tonic that works best over time. Working with this plant for a few weeks up to 3 months is a general recommendation for its tonifying and restorative properties.
Nervous system plants combine well with some form a fat which acts as a carrier to the nervous system. Consider adding it to some steamed milk with honey and cinnamon or combine with a teaspoon of melted coconut oil or ghee (butter works too!).
*Avoid use when taking SSRI antidepressants or any other medications metabolized through the liver.
Medical Disclaimer
Medical Disclaimer
The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements, and it should be noted that these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.
CAUTION: If you have a medical condition, or take medical drugs, please consult with your doctor before use.